8 Year old is the most beautiful woman in the world?!

I have read about Kristena Pimenova before. You know the 9 year old supermodel from Moscow. While I have seen her image come along with titles linked to child modeling, over sexualized children images and so forth, this particular article grabbed my attention for a different reason. Despite the fact that her photos are hyper sexualized and not reminiscent of a typical 9 year old, to dub this little girl the most beautiful girl in the world proves that society has once again reset the bar for girls. Read Yahoo’s article pleasee!


 If you don’t look like this, you’re just not perfect.  

krise pi


While this little girl is most certainly a beauty, to implicate such a heavy title on a child is both sad and detrimental.  This young girl will ultimately  be stripped of all things that make her child, I’m sure this started long before this article hit. As her profile reads that she has been a supermodel since she was 3 years old.  I came across some of her recent  photos, these two


and this one.


Why would someone even agree to photograph child like this?

These images have a sexual undertones that we see in ads featured for Victoria’s Secret.  However to now couple these photos with such an enormous title is frightening.  Society is basically now promoting that the second girls start walking they should be in full makeup. Children, especially girls no longer can just be children. Society is forcing them to adapt to their level of perfection. She is 9 years old. Allow her to be 9 years old.

This article also brings up  a stellar point; Why don’t young boys who model suffer the same backlash that young girls, such as Kristena, do?

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